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The easiest way for
teams to manage
2FA and OTP codes
See how you can save your team hours a day by managing all authentication codes from one central dashboard:

Easy Integration With:

+ hundreds of other OTP platforms

Manage your entire organization’s OTP
and 2FA codes in one secure place

Connect Any Online Platform

Fast, easy, painless setup. Simply connect the platform you want instant access to via providing a secret key and AuthTeam will do the rest. Our expert support team will guide you every step of the way.

Upload Unlimited Projects

AuthTeam is built for companies of all shapes and sizes. Whether you have 1 or 1,000 projects, or 1 or 100 departments, the app is built to support whatever your unique needs are in a secure and easy way.

Unlimited Team Member Access

Whether you have 1,000 contractors, 100 employees, or work alone in your mother’s basement, you’re able to upload as many team members to your Organization as your company requires.

Fully Secure and Encrypted

All OTP and 2FA verification is authenticated via Secret Keys unique to your own account so you never have to worry about your own, your employees’ or your clients’ security needs. All connections are end-to-end encrypted.

Affordable and Made to Fit Any Budget

We’ve developed a lean tiered pricing system that is based on your organization’s total number of projects and team members – plus you will get a 60 day free trial too!

Reliable, Friendly, 24/7 Customer Support

Whenever you need help, we’re here for you via chat and our ticket-based support system. We also encourage you to submit feature requests so we can keep improving the user experience!

See AuthTeam in action, a real use case demonstration:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)?

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a security process that requires users to provide two different types of identification in order to access an online account or system. The first factor is typically something the user knows, such as a password or PIN. The second factor is usually something the user has, such as a security token or a mobile device. When the user tries to log in, they are prompted to enter their password and then they must provide a second form of authentication, which can be a code sent to their phone, a biometric scan, or a physical security key, for example.

By requiring two different factors for authentication, 2FA makes it much harder for someone to gain unauthorized access to an account, even if they have obtained the user’s password. This is because they would also need access to the user’s second factor device, which is much more difficult to obtain. 2FA is an important security measure that can help prevent identity theft, data breaches, and other forms of cybercrime. It is recommended that users enable 2FA wherever possible, particularly for sensitive accounts such as banking, email, and social media.

How do 2FA and AuthTeam work?

When a user logs in to a website or application that has 2FA enabled, they will first be prompted to enter their username and password as the first factor of authentication. Once the website or application verifies the user’s credentials, it will prompt the user to provide the second factor of authentication, which would be the code that AuthTeam’s dashboard provides.

Watch our instructional video on exactly how to use AuthTeam to enter any platform that requires 2FA.

Are there downsides to using 2FA and what are they?
While two-factor authentication (2FA) provides an additional layer of security and makes it much harder for attackers to gain unauthorized access to an account, there are a few downsides to using 2FA that users should be aware of. It was due to these exact downsides why we created AuthTeam in order to mitigate these difficult use cases:

Complexity: Some users may find 2FA to be confusing or difficult to use, especially if they are not familiar with the technology. Users may also find it frustrating to have to go through an additional step to log in to their accounts, particularly if they are in a rush or have multiple accounts that use different 2FA methods. AuthTeam makes all 2FA verification as easy as possible while retaining all important use case scenarios!

Availability: Some websites and applications do not support 2FA, which means that users are not able to enable this feature on those accounts. With AuthTeam, if there’s a platform you need 2FA access to that doesn’t come by default with the platform, you just need to tell our Tech team exactly the access you we’ll build an access door for you.

Risk of loss or theft: If a user loses their second factor of authentication, such as their mobile phone or smart card, they may not be able to access their accounts until they obtain a replacement device. If the second factor is stolen, it could be used by an attacker to gain unauthorized access to the user’s account. None of this is an issue with AuthTeam as this information is stored securely using encrypted Secret Keys for each platform.

False sense of security: While 2FA can provide additional security, it is not foolproof. Attackers may still be able to bypass 2FA using social engineering, phishing, or other techniques. Additionally, if a user reuses passwords across multiple accounts, an attacker who has access to one account may be able to use the same password to gain access to other accounts, even if they are protected by 2FA.Once again, this is not an issue with AuthTeam due to the way the platform is securely built and accessed.

For what kind of people and businesses is the use of 2FA essential?

While all internet users can benefit from using two-factor authentication (2FA), there are certain groups of people and types of businesses that should absolutely use 2FA to protect their accounts and sensitive information. These include:

Businesses and Organizations: Businesses and organizations of all sizes should use 2FA to protect their employees’ and customers’ sensitive information. This is particularly important for businesses that deal with financial transactions, healthcare data, or other types of confidential information. 2FA can also help prevent unauthorized access to company networks and systems.

High-Profile Individuals: High-profile individuals such as politicians, celebrities, and executives are often targeted by attackers who want to gain access to their personal information or private communications. 2FA can help prevent these attacks by making it much harder for attackers to gain unauthorized access to these individuals’ accounts.

Journalists and Activists: Journalists and activists who work in sensitive areas, such as investigative reporting or human rights advocacy, are often targeted by attackers who want to access their sources, communications, and data. 2FA can help protect these individuals’ accounts and prevent attackers from gaining access to their sensitive information.

Online Banking and Financial Services: Online banking and financial services are a prime target for attackers who want to gain access to users’ bank account information, credit card details, and other financial data. 2FA can help prevent unauthorized access to these accounts and provide an additional layer of protection against fraud.

Social Media Influencers: Social media influencers, who have large followings and often make money through their social media presence, are often targeted by attackers who want to gain access to their accounts and steal their personal information or impersonate them. 2FA can help prevent these attacks and protect their accounts and followers.

Overall, anyone who has sensitive information or valuable online assets should use 2FA to protect their accounts and prevent unauthorized access. While 2FA may add an extra step to the login process, it is a small inconvenience compared to the potential damage that could be caused by a data breach or account takeover.

How do I get started?
Simply click the “Start FREE Trial” button above to sign up for AuthTeam!

Pricing – Choose the tier that suits your team size and budget:

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